Literature Review Dissertation

Our literature review writing service includes literature reviews for PhD, Master’s and undergraduate proposals and dissertations as well literature review coursework assignments.

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What is a Literature Review? How do you write a dissertation literature review?

A dissertation literature review gives a critical appraisal of the research sources (literature) that has been collected and make a read, surrounding the area of subject and then identify knowledge “gap” in that literature that the research aims to address. There are several misinterpretations about what literature review dissertation entails. Whilst in some cases it can be a simple summary of significant sources, very often it needs to be critically involved with the text to convey critiques or opinions if there is such. What is your interpretation of a specific source? Does the interpretation you made differs significantly from other viewpoints in the literature? The critical engagement of this sort is expected in a literature review. While, a summary is likely to give a simple recap of the most general arguments of research source, and the literature review concerning expectation go beyond this. A literature review may deliver a new viewpoint on a classic research paper or it may combine past and new interpretations (knowledge gap). It gives a critical and thorough outline of the intellectual developments in the selected field concentrating on major debates. Moreover, in other scenarios, literature review allows to make an evaluation of a source and update readers about its relevancy, validity and pertinence to the research subject. There are various literature review sample and literature review example over the website which affectively guide you on preparing literature review outline and on writing a literature review. Even then if you get stuck at any stage, our online assignment help through British writers can assist you on any type of literature review with ease.
"In a literature review, you aim to make critical analysis of research argument and summarize what is found in the readings, without making any new contribution to the literature”

There tends to be a great confusion between academic papers and literature review in general, but they are not at all one the same. Usually, academic papers aim to come up with new research material about a particular subject and research topic, and a literature review is featured as a part of this objective. Literature review forms the basis of the research in a paper, and helps to highlight potential research gaps in order to support an insights or argument that is intended to be provided. It is aimed to provide critical analysis of research argument and summarize what is found in the reading.

Writing a dissertation literature review thus involve to:

  • Search for precise, reliable, and up-to-date source or material on the research topic or subject.
  • Read and summarize the key points and debates from the literature.
  • Synthesise the key concepts, theories and ideas into a summary of what is known.
  • Discuss and evaluate these concepts, theories and ideas.
  • Identify specific areas of controversy or debate.
  • Prepare the ground applying these ideas to new research.

Chose relevant materials


  • What is the topic of research?
  • What the material should cover? Methodology? Key variables? Methodology? Empirical data?
  • What sort of literature is available (for instance; articles, journals, government document, books)?
  • What types of literature review is mainly authoritative in this particular academic discipline (e.g. business, psychology, pharmacy)?
  • Does my search been is broad enough to ensure that all relevant material is identified?
  • On the other side, does the search is narrow enough to eliminate irrelevant material?
  • Is there a good enough literature review sample for the level of my dissertation or thesis?
  • Did I consider alternative points of view as possible?
  • Will the reader find my literature review appropriate, relevant and useful?
  • It identifies, evaluates and then synthesizes evidence to respond a particular research question.
  • Applies a meticulous approach which detail time frame of specific chosen literature and critique method and analysis, with well-defined an explicit methods in order to reduce bias and increase the reliability.
  • Takes in as comprehensive an amount of research studies as probable from the findings of both published and unpublished such as "grey literature".

Chose relevant materials

  • Go through the chosen material and check:
    • Does the discussed key point by the author is clearly defined?
    • Has the author used sufficient evidence to support the central idea?
    • How many convincing reasons are provided for the author’s point of view?
    • Is there any other way to interpret the evidence?
    • What research methods have the author's used (e.g. quantitative, qualitative, experimental, etc.)?
    • What theoretical framework did the author used (e.g. developmental, feminist, psychological)?
    • What relations did the author assumed between practice and theory?
    • Did the author make any critical evaluation of the other literature in the field?
    • Does the author cover literature that oppose her/his point of view?
    • Is the research data valid– i.e. based on accurate information and a reliable method?
    • Can you "analyse" the argument and identify gaps in the logic?
    • What are the main strengths and limitations of this study?
    • Does the material contribute to my own topic or thesis?

Place Literature Review in the Dissertation

  •  There is some crucial discussion among academics about the literature review position
    • The ‘traditional’ place is directly after the introduction part in the dissertation. It is the second chapter of the research paper.
    • Some scholars prefer the literature review after empirical evidence so that it acts as a kind of foil to the main findings.It is common in qualitative (broadly ethnographic).

Writing Literature review:

  • Be discerning in the information or points that you draw out from literature piece; remember the purpose is to show that you can use your judgement to identify what is secondary and central.
  • Summarise and synthesise – in your own words write about what is controversial and important about the source either it is about the book or article.
  • Be cautious – like never claim extra than what the evidence Many of the times dissertations are ruined by exaggerated generalisations. Be careful and tentative in the way the evidence is interpreted
  • Simply keep your own voice. Here you are entitled to own perspective; provided it is highly based on the evidence presented. Make sure to back up the opinion with clear argument, and avoid first person pronoun (language). It is better to be a bit indirect.
  • Revise, refine and edit the draft. Check for structure, grammatical errors, evidence and referencing.

What should a dissertation literature review include? How long should a literature review be?

When there is no specific instructions given about the length of a literature review, the general rule of thumb states that it should be proportionate to the length of overall paper. For example, if the paper is 14 pages long that a 2-3 page may suffice for literature review.

The literature review structure is largely based on the academic conventions and research area which is in line with it. However, there are some crucial steps which is applied across all discipline area and needs to be followed:

  • Do not just describe the writer’s opinions

Make analyses and ensure it is critical (what essential points or information the writer has missed; also does your own opinion sit with theirs, etc.).

  • By making use of various techniques structure the argument

The structure should be organised around controversial issues, key debates or thematic areas and according to methodological approaches. Make the review coherent but dynamic. Carefully identify literature gaps and connect it with own research.

  • Use sufficient evidence

It is extremely significant and forms the core of dissertation literature review. Use various sources in order to make a point, argument and interpretation of research topic which is backed by adequate evidence. There is no chance to formulate baseless claims, as a literature review is not an opinion piece but an academic piece of writing.

  • Be selective about the sources

Not every related research has to be reviewed. For instance, if you are determined to demonstrate about the awareness of available literature then make writing techniques such as: There is vigorous literature available about the health policies for indigenous people in the country. Few notable works are A(2014), B (2017), C (2015). Once these works are acknowledged, do not review them in detail. Be selective about the sources that should be discussed in detail in the review.

  • Do not entirely depend on direct quotes

Use direct quotes that emphasise on particular point. Likewise, don’t rely too much on single authors work. Instead, focus on the importance of that scholar research in your subject area and then move on. If it requires to go back to the work of that author, then connect the discussion with your research and/or work. Do not just provide a summary of the author’s work. In what certain ways does the work agree or disagree with that of the author? Be critical.

  • Get your voice heard

The overall literature review aims to give a summary and critical analysis of the viewpoints out there, but critical analysis does involve the fact, which is required to make opinion known in the literature context with references.


Every literature review is customised according to UK writings and as per the client’s requirement. The experts with their research skills, expertise and experience create well-written literature review across all subject areas in the shortest time period. So, get yours done to get promising grades.